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BEFORE YOU MOVE ON, we want to offer you THREE MORE FREE TRACKS from the African Drumming Online Audio Collection
The African Drumming Online Audio Collection is a collection of rhythms from the site to help you improve your drumming while you’re driving, at work, doing the dishes… wherever and whenever!
To get you started, we also want to give you the Fume Fume, Kpatsia, and Oge rhythm recordings, Free.
In return, we ask that you share a link to our site with your friends on Facebook or Twitter, or subscribe to our channel on YouTube.
It’s really simple… Just click the Share, Tweet, or Subscribe button below, follow the quick prompts, and that’s it. Your bonus tracks will be unlocked right away!
The whole thing takes less than 15 seconds. You’ll be helping us out, and you’ll be getting audio versions of three of our favourite rhythms on the site. We think you’ll like them 🙂
Click one of the icons below:
Or, access the MP3 files by clicking these links (for mobile users):
Fume Fume
Thanks for helping us get the word out about African Drumming Online. Hope you enjoy the tracks!